Teach the World to Read

United States

Fantastic Phonics in The United States

The United States is a major area of activity for Fantastic Phonics. Approximately 60% of our website visitors are from the US, and many schools have adopted Fantastic Phonics as their Foundation Reading Skills program.

Fantastic Phonics has also received numerous requests from charities from disadvantaged communities; in New Orleans, New Jersey, New York and in Mississippi and Georgia, among others.

USAIDglobal reading network fantastic phonics2
In 2008 USAID (United states Agency for International Development) requested permission to use Fantastic Phonics for a literacy project in Liberia. Fantastic Phonics donated the program for the project, which then expanded to become a national reading curriculum, using Fantastic Phonics as the Foundation Reading program for early grade readers.

Global Reading Network
In 2014, USAID funded the development of the Global Reading Network, established by http://www.urc-chs.com (University Research Co., LLC and its non-profit affiliate, Center for Human Services).

The Global Reading Network is a network comprised of governments, practitioners, civil society organizations, teachers associations, academics, funders, UN agencies, and other stakeholders committed to improving reading outcomes for primary grade children across the globe.

The Global Reading network invited Jennifer Cooper of Fantastic Phonics, to join the Network's Practise Group, which seeks to define best-approach tools to be added to the Network's early-grade reading "toolbox", which will be made available to more than 4000 charities and agencies globally.

Fantastic Phonics will be the phonics component of this toolbox.

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